Transition from Summer to a Back-to-School Sleep Schedule Typically, during the summer, children go to bed later and wake up at different times, because they do not have to follow a school schedule. Shelby Harris, Psy.D., C.BSM, Director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the Sleep-Wake Disorders Center, can discuss how a child can … Continue reading For a Healthy, Happy Return to School, Expert Advice From The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore
Month: September 2011
Eating Apples, Pears May Be Linked To Lower Risk Of Stroke
The New York Times (9/16, Parker-Pope) "Well" blog reports, "A large Dutch study has found that eating apples and pears is associated with a lower risk of stroke." The Orlando Sentinel (9/16, Jameson) reports that the research, published "in Stroke, a journal of the American Heart Association, spanned 10 years and included more than 20,000 adults ages 20 to … Continue reading Eating Apples, Pears May Be Linked To Lower Risk Of Stroke
Eating for Eye Health
The eyes are most often exposed to the damaging effects of the surrounding environment, and unfortunately they are most frequently unprotected. Diffuse light, cigarette smoke, car exhaust gases or simply the dusted, dry air can affect our sensitive visual system. But apart from avoiding external damaging factors, we must also include in our diet food … Continue reading Eating for Eye Health
Column Connects Benefits Of Food To Body Parts
The Washington Post (9/14, Huget) in its "Eat, Drink & Be Healthy" column lists some foods and health benefits according to body parts. Egg yolks and yellow corn aid the eyes because "carotenoids that give fruits and vegetables their color, may help ward off age-related macular degeneration." The article mentions foods that benefit the brain (salmon, tuna, … Continue reading Column Connects Benefits Of Food To Body Parts
Prevent the Spread of Pink Eye as Children Head Back to School
According to the American Journal of Infection Control, more than 164 million school days are missed annually in U.S. public schools due to the spread of infectious diseases. An astonishing 3 million of those school days are lost as a result of acute conjunctivitis, also known as "pink eye." In recognition of September's "Children's Eye … Continue reading Prevent the Spread of Pink Eye as Children Head Back to School