The Boston Globe (7/8, Satija) reported that a study published in the July issue of Ophthalmology detailed the influence of genetics and environment on the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Researchers "looked at over 200 male pairs of identical twins" in which some twins both had the disease but at different stages, or only … Continue reading Genetics, Lifestyle May Contribute To AMD Progression
Day: July 11, 2011
Experts Warn Deep Tan Will Give Way To Permanent Skin Damage
HealthDay (7/8, Thompson) reported that physicians stress that a deep tan from a tanning salon "will eventually give way to permanent skin damage caused by the ultraviolet rays emitted by a tanning bed -- damage up to and including potentially deadly skin cancer." And, even though "most people spend more time in the sun during … Continue reading Experts Warn Deep Tan Will Give Way To Permanent Skin Damage