Medscape (6/14, Barclay) reported, "High dietary intake of antioxidants is associated with a lower risk for early age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in genetically predisposed individuals," according to a study published in the June issue of the Archives of Ophthalmology. In a study of 2,167 individuals over the age of 55 who were at risk of AMD, … Continue reading High Dietary Antioxidant Intake Associated With Lower Risk For Early AMD
Month: June 2011
More TV Time May Be Linked To Increased Heart Disease, Diabetes Risk
Reuters (6/15, McCook) reports that, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, more time spent in front of the TV may be linked to an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes, as well as to an increased risk of premature death. Bloomberg News (6/15, Ostrow) reports that investigators looked at … Continue reading More TV Time May Be Linked To Increased Heart Disease, Diabetes Risk
US Adds 8 Chemicals to Carcinogen List
There are now eight new substances on the official U.S. list of toxins known to cause or suspected of causing cancer. There are now 240 agents on the list, maintained by the National Toxicology Program (NTP). The NTP lists agents in two categories: those known to cause cancer, and those expected to be added to … Continue reading US Adds 8 Chemicals to Carcinogen List
Does healthy eating cost you more?
One of the biggest myths out there is the myth that eating healthy costs too much. Just the opposite... and I'll prove it to you in three ways. #1: Cash Here's some sample figures courtesy of Scott Tousignant's fitness blog... : 2 medium size sweet potatoes $1 or... small fries from a fast food joint … Continue reading Does healthy eating cost you more?
Optometrists urging eye exams for children as young as 6 months old
Optometrists say vision development is most dramatic in children between 6 and 12 months old. Regular eye exams are vital to anyone's health, particularly children. Many optometrists believe eye exams should begin even before a child can read the chart on the wall. Vision has a large impact on a child's health and learning abilities. … Continue reading Optometrists urging eye exams for children as young as 6 months old