Summer has officially arrived. And with the warmer weather comes invitations to backyard swim parties and family barbeques, and opportunities to partake in sporty outings and fireworks displays. But before heading outdoors, make sure you’re armed with the essentials for spending time in the sun, cooling off and celebrating America’s birth. For starters, the right … Continue reading Sights on summer, thoughts on safety
Month: June 2011
Many People Continue Unhealthy Habits After Disease Diagnosis
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (6/27, Gormly) reported, "Even when faced with a health scare like a heart attack or stroke, or a life-changing diagnosis like diabetes or cancer, many people continue unhealthy habits with eating, smoking, exercising and the like." However, these changes can be important. One study "found that smoking after a heart attack significantly decreased … Continue reading Many People Continue Unhealthy Habits After Disease Diagnosis
Get Your Eyes Checked Regularly for Healthy Vision
When was the last time you had an eye exam? For the majority of us, it’s not often enough. Among those who have had an eye exam recently, less than half (44%) have them annually.* The health of our eyes so often takes a back seat to finding the perfect mascara or covering up dark … Continue reading Get Your Eyes Checked Regularly for Healthy Vision
Diet May Be Key First Line Therapy In New-Onset Type 2 Diabetes
HealthDay (6/25, Preidt) reported, "Dietary changes alone can yield the same benefits as changes in both diet and exercise in the first year after a person is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes," according to research presented at the American Diabetes Association's annual meeting and simultaneously published online June 25 in The Lancet. Investigators "found that patients … Continue reading Diet May Be Key First Line Therapy In New-Onset Type 2 Diabetes
Eat THIS before your workouts
[ There is a clutter of bogus weight loss and fitness information out there. That's why reading Jon Benson's articles makes sense... and his newest article (which I have his to you) really rocked my world. Check it out... ] *** Short-cut Link: *** My Favorite Foods Dietplan <== click here One of the most … Continue reading Eat THIS before your workouts