Electronic Device Overuse May Lead To Increased Risk For Injury

The New York Times  (9/11, BU8, Korki, Subscription Publication) reported, "As people harness their bodies to use more electronic devices in more places, they may unknowingly be putting themselves at a greater risk of injury." Too much laptop, smartphone, and tablet computer use in and out of the office may leave people "at greater risk of eye … Continue reading Electronic Device Overuse May Lead To Increased Risk For Injury

Yoga May Benefit People With Type 2 Diabetes

Reuters  (9/3, Norton) reported that according to a study  recently published online in the journal Diabetes Care, yoga classes in addition to standard medical care may benefit middle-aged and senior patients with type 2 diabetes. The practice may help with weight and blood glucose control, the study of 123 people found. What's more, practicing yoga may lead to … Continue reading Yoga May Benefit People With Type 2 Diabetes

Video Games May Help Improve Amblyopia In Adults

Medscape  (9/9, Waknine) reports, "Adults with amblyopia can achieve substantial improvements in visual acuity by playing video games for 40 hours," according to a study  published online Aug. 30 in PLoS Biology. For the National Eye Institute-supported study, "investigators placed an eye patch over the good eye in 20 adults aged 15 to 61 years and randomly assigned … Continue reading Video Games May Help Improve Amblyopia In Adults

Video Games May Help Children With Lazy Eye

CBS News  (9/3) reported that video games may be "a possible therapy to lazy eye," according to a paper published in the August issue of the journal PLoS Biology. Researchers discovered that "participants in a pilot study playing a minimum 40 hours of video games registered improvements both in their visual acuity and 3-D depth perception." Lazy eye … Continue reading Video Games May Help Children With Lazy Eye