[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ] There's stuff you know. Then there's stuff you don't know. But the key to success in anything is the discovery of one other variable: The things you don't know you don't know. Think … Continue reading 10 Fatloss Questions You Should Be Asking ( Part 1 )
Day: May 24, 2011
Coffee May Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk
Regular coffee consumption is associated with a striking decrease in fatal or metastatic prostate cancer, according to an analysis of long-term data from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. Kathryn M. Wilson, ScD, with the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, and colleagues led the new study, reported online May 17 … Continue reading Coffee May Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk
Even A Serious Health Scare May Not Be Enough To Get Patients To Improve Health Habits
In the Los Angeles Times (5/23) "The MD" column, Valerie Ulene, MD, a preventive medicine specialist, observes that "even a serious health scare may not be enough" to get patients to shake habits deleterious to their health, such as eating too much salt, smoking, drinking too much, or not exercising. This is the case, even though … Continue reading Even A Serious Health Scare May Not Be Enough To Get Patients To Improve Health Habits
National Eye Institute Estimates Approximately 15,000 Infants Born With ROP Each Year
On its website, WTVQ-TV Lexington, KY (5/23, Runyon), an ABC affiliate, reported, "The National Eye Institute estimates about 14,000 to 16,000 infants are born with" retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) each year. "In severe cases, retinal detachment can cause significant vision impairment or blindness." Sadly, "each year, up to 1,500 infants require medical treatment for ROP and … Continue reading National Eye Institute Estimates Approximately 15,000 Infants Born With ROP Each Year