WebMD (5/19, Hendrick) reported, "A large number of people who have problems with their eyesight don't visit eye doctors because of the cost or because they don't have health insurance that covers eye care," according to the May 20 issue of the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. "In a study involving 11,503 adults aged … Continue reading Survey Finds Many Americans Not Visiting Eye Doctors Due To Cost, Lack Of Insurance
Day: May 20, 2011
SIRT1: Is Your Fat-Burning Gene Turned On?
[ The following article was written by Jon Benson, fitness and fat-loss expert. I trust you'll enjoy it! ] You may have this gene. It may be turned “off” right now… in fact it probably is. There’s a problem with that: This gene helps you melt off bodyfat. It would be pretty nice to turn … Continue reading SIRT1: Is Your Fat-Burning Gene Turned On?