How To Gain Muscle And Burn Bodyfat At The Same Time by Jon Benson What is your "big dream?" I have two: -- To make an impact on the lives of over 10M people before I die; -- To have a family that's mobile so I can live in many places. Not bad, right? Want … Continue reading Gain Muscle and Burn Bodyfat At The Same Time
Day: May 2, 2011
Acupuncture Plus Glasses May Help Improve Children’s Amblyopia
Reuters (4/29, Boerner) reported that in addition to wearing glasses, acupuncture may help children with amblyopia to improve their vision scores, according to a study in the journal Ophthalmology. The researchers gave half of a group of age 3- to 7-years old with amblyopia corrective glasses, who alternated between wearing glasses and receiving acupuncture treatments five … Continue reading Acupuncture Plus Glasses May Help Improve Children’s Amblyopia