Reuters (5/28, Pittman) reported that, according to a study of more than 1,000 Australian children published in the journal Ophthalmology, about one in 16 children under the age of six may suffer from some sort of impaired vision in one eye. What's more, nearly three percent of the children studied experienced impairment in both eyes. … Continue reading One In 16 Australian Preschoolers May Suffer From Visual Impairment In One Eye
Day: May 31, 2011
Special Contact Lenses Block UV Rays
The Wall Street Journal (5/31, D2, Johannes, Subscription Publication) reports in "Aches & Claims" that some manufacturers of contact lenses are currently marketing products claiming to block out up to 99% of ultraviolet rays, important for preventing pterigia and cataracts . Unlike UV-ray blocking sunglasses, the UV-blocking lenses offer protection to all of the eye's internal … Continue reading Special Contact Lenses Block UV Rays