MedWire (5/18, Withers) reported, "Individuals who consume a vegetarian diet have a lower risk for developing the metabolic syndrome than those who do not," according to a study published in the journal Diabetes Care. After examining the diets of some 773 people, researchers found "those adhering to a vegetarian dietary pattern were at a 56% lower … Continue reading Vegetarian Diet May Lower Risk For Developing Metabolic Syndrome
Day: May 19, 2011
Selenium May Slow Progression Of Eye Problems In Patients With Graves’ Disease
HealthDay (5/18, Gordon) reported, "The trace mineral selenium improves quality of life and slows the progression of eye problems in people with the autoimmune disorder known as Graves' disease," according to a study published in the May 19 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. For the study, researchers "recruited 159 people with mild Graves' … Continue reading Selenium May Slow Progression Of Eye Problems In Patients With Graves’ Disease