Employer-Based Healthcare Dropped Significantly During Recession

Modern Healthcare (4/29, Evans, Subscription Publication) reports that the "percentage of adults covered by employer-sponsored health insurance dropped more significantly during the recession than in prior years during the past decade, according to a new report by the Employee Benefit Research Institute." The report, "which analyzed Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics survey data, … Continue reading Employer-Based Healthcare Dropped Significantly During Recession

Low Vitamin D Levels May Double Diabetes Risk

Reuters (4/27, Boerner) reported that low vitamin D levels may increase the risk of developing diabetes, according to a study in the journal Diabetes Care. For five years, the researchers followed more than 5,000 individuals and found that those with consistently lower-than-average vitamin D levels had a 57% percent increased likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes … Continue reading Low Vitamin D Levels May Double Diabetes Risk

Muscular Strength May Be Associated With Reduced Mortality Risk In Men With Hypertension

MedPage Today (4/26, Neale) reported that "hypertensive men with the most muscle strength appear to have a lower risk of dying than their weaker counterparts," according to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Investigators found, "even after controlling for cardiorespiratory fitness level and other potential confounders," that "men in … Continue reading Muscular Strength May Be Associated With Reduced Mortality Risk In Men With Hypertension

Many Americans May Not Be Well Informed About Sea Salt, Red Wine

HealthDay (4/25, Preidt) reported that "most Americans have heard that red wine has health benefits, but many don't understand the need to limit consumption, finds an American Heart Association survey." Most "respondents also mistakenly believe that sea salt is a low-sodium alternative to table salt, the survey found." Among "the 1,000 adults polled, 76 percent … Continue reading Many Americans May Not Be Well Informed About Sea Salt, Red Wine