Taking Care of Your Eye Health is Important

Taking care of your eyes is perhaps one of the most important things that you can do for your health. However, sometimes no matter what steps you take to ensure you stay healthy, you can still get sick. Glaucoma is a disease of the eyes, yet it is actually the name for a group of diseases that affect the optic nerves. it is caused by a few different things but the end result is the same.

Anyone who is serious about eye health issues and about keeping their eyes healthy will make sure that they get regular eye exams. as we get older, parts of our body breakdown and the eyes are especially vulnerable. a glaucoma test is done once a year and is basically a puff of air blown into each eye. while this is not the most comfortable test, it is a very important test because it works slowly and can sometimes do a lot of damage before it is detected.

If detected early, then there is a better chance of successful treatment. once the damage has occurred, it is irreversible and that is why it is important to take your doctor visits seriously. This is also why it is important to have regular screenings for this disease and it usually starts with the peripheral vision. without regular screenings for glaucoma it is possible for a large part of the nerves to be destroyed before anyone realizes what has happened.

Glaucoma can destroy through increased pressure inside the eye or by causing poor blood supply to the optic nerve fibers. there are a few ways that glaucoma can attack and destroy and each person is different and will have different experiences. Glaucoma usually happens as a person ages; however, it can happen at any time or at any age.

There does seem to be some correlation with glaucoma and family health history. therefore, if anyone in your family has ever had glaucoma, then it is extremely important that you have your eyes checked regularly. once glaucoma takes hold, the damage is done and it is irreversible. your eyes will never recover. The best the doctors would be able to do is to salvage as much of your vision as is left after the ravages of this disease.

Regular eye examinations are especially important to have as we age. Aging causes the body to break down; an unfortunate fact of life. Eyesight is one of the highest rated of the five senses and you want to make sure that yours stays as functional as possible, for as long as possible. Make sure you take the health of your eyes seriously. see your doctor if you have any concerns, as this is the central key to making sure that your optical system stays in top shape.


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