Medscape (5/6, Osterweil) reported that, according to a study presented at a vision research meeting, "An experimental fusion protein was safe and was associated with statistically significant improvements in visual acuity and other parameters, compared with sham injections, in patients with macular edema secondary to central retinal vein occlusion, and also showed efficacy in neovascular … Continue reading VEGF Inhibitor Shows Promise For Treating Neovascular AMD
Month: May 2011
How Long To Rest Between Sets
[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ] A lot of my readers ask me how long to rest between sets while exercising. The answer is: It depends on your goals. If you are training to increase strength, I recommend resting … Continue reading How Long To Rest Between Sets
“Micro-Session” Cardio Works Best
[ I love reading fresh fitness articles... and this one by Jon Benson fits the bill. You really must check this out... enjoy! } Several recent studies have pointed to the validity of doing very short cardio sessions (10 minutes) several times a day as being as beneficial… or even better… than one longer session. … Continue reading “Micro-Session” Cardio Works Best
The Secret To A Better Lovelife
---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Secret To A Better Lovelife ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ] Today we need to chat about your hormones. Yeah, I chat a lot about hormones. That's because I have been to Hormone Hell and back. … Continue reading The Secret To A Better Lovelife
Few Americans Accurately Estimate The Number Of Calories They Should Eat Daily
USA Today (5/6, Hellmich) reports that just nine percent of Americans "can accurately estimate the number of calories they should eat in a day, and 9% keep track of their calories every day," according to "a nationally representative online survey of 1,000 people, conducted for the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation." WebMD (5/5, Goodman) … Continue reading Few Americans Accurately Estimate The Number Of Calories They Should Eat Daily