SIRT1: Is Your Fat-Burning Gene Turned On?

[ The following article was written by Jon Benson, fitness and fat-loss expert. I trust you'll enjoy it! ] You may have this gene. It may be turned “off” right now… in fact it probably is. There’s a problem with that: This gene helps you melt off bodyfat. It would be pretty nice to turn … Continue reading SIRT1: Is Your Fat-Burning Gene Turned On?

HDT: Better Abs In 3 Minutes?

[ There is a junk of bogus weight loss and fitness information out there. That's why reading Jon Benson's articles makes sense... and his newest article (which I have his permission to share it with you) really rocked my world. Check it out... ] Abs. Everyone wants a tighter tummy. Guys want a six-pack… ladies … Continue reading HDT: Better Abs In 3 Minutes?